
Monday, November 9, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge(s) update

As I've mentioned before in past entries, every year I do a reading challenge. I set my goal for this year at 52, which is the same goal I had last year. In addition to just setting a number goal what I decided to to this year was to expand my horizons as well, I made a mental pact with myself that I would finally start reading comic books (other than Archie which I've been reading since I learned to read.). I also found a reading challenge checklist from PopSugar and thought I would give that a go as well. 

So how does my progress stand right now?

I've read my 52 books for the year, read the last one just tonight in fact, so anything else I read for the rest of the year is cake. Of the 52 books I've read this year, 22 have been comics.

Lauren's bookshelf: books-in-2015

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2
3 of 5 stars
tagged: books-in-2015, comics, fantasy, science-fiction, steampunk, and par...
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1
4 of 5 stars
tagged: to-read, books-in-2015, comics, science-fiction, and steampunk
The Sword of Summer
5 of 5 stars
tagged: books-in-2015, fantasy, favorites, mythology, and ya
The Chess Queen Enigma
3 of 5 stars
I originally posted this review on my blog. ( Title: The Chess Queen Enigma (Stoker & Holmes, #3) [ARC] Author: Colleen Gleason Publisher: Chronicle...
tagged: books-in-2015, fantasy, science-fiction, steampunk, mystery, and hi...
Three to Get Deadly
4 of 5 stars
tagged: books-in-2015, mystery, and thriller

And out of the 50 challenges listed on the PopSugar list, I have completed 24:

1. A book you can finish in a day - How to drive a dragon crazy
2. A book that became a movie - Mockingjay (reread)
3. A book published this year - Zodiac legacy : convergence
4. A book with non-human characters - Last dragon standing
5. A funny book - What a dragon should know (reread)
6. A book by a female author - Witness protection
7. A graphic novel - Guardians of the galaxy : cosmic avengers
8. A book by an author you've never read before - Siren's treasure
9. A book you own but have never read - College of magics
10. A book based on a true story - Paris to die for
11. A book set during Christmas - Jingle spells
12. A memoir - Pyongyang : a journey in North Korea
13. A book you started by never finished - About a dragon
14. A book with Magic - A discovery of witches (reread)
15. A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit - Shadow of night
16. A book with more than 500 pages - The book of life
17. A trilogy A discovery of Witches / Shadow of night / The book of life
18. A book with a one word title - Soulless
19. A book with a colour in the title - Superman : Red Son
20. A book based entirely on its cover - Gotham City Sirens Vol. 3 : strange fruit
21. A mystery or thriller - The Silkworm
22. A book that came out the year you were born - Batman : the Dark Knight returns
23. A popular author's first book - One for the money
24. A book with a number in the title - Two for the dough

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